Łukasz Burkiewicz

Institute of Political Science and Administration,
Jesuit University Ignatianum in Krakow

Łukasz Burkiewicz – Doctor of Humanities in the area of medieval history (the Jagiellonian University), student of Professor Danuta Quirini-Popławska. Graduate of the Executive MBA programme at the Business School of the Kraków University of Technology and Central Connecticut State University (New Britain, US), graduate of Mediterranean Studies (the Jagiellonian University), History (the Jagiellonian University), Management and Marketing (the Jagiellonian University), and Social Media and Content Marketing (the AGH University in Kraków).

Assistant Professor at the Institute of Political Science and Administration (previously the Institute of Cultural Studies) at Jesuit University Ignatianum in Kraków. Senior lecturer at the Institute of Social Sciences at the Podhale State College of Applied Science in Nowy Targ, and lecturer at the Pontifical University of John Paul II in Kraków.

Author of four books, editor and co-editor of twelve multi-author monographs, several dozen articles in scientific journals, and chapters in monographs published in Poland and abroad (including Israel, Hungary, Cyprus, and England). Co-organiser, together with Professor Danuta Quirini-Popławska, of several cultural-historical international scientific conferences, including Itinera clericorum. Kulturoznawcze i religijne aspekty podróży duchownych (2013) and Sacrum w mieście: wymiar religijny, kulturalny i społeczny (2015). Co-organiser, together with Jarosław Kucharski Ph.D., of several international scientific conferences devoted to intercultural management and ethics in organisations, e.g., Zarządzanie etyką czy etyka w zarządzaniu – odzwierciedlenie rzeczywistości: definicja, teoria, praktyka (2015) and Zarządzanie międzykulturowe – etyka, kultura, gospodarka (2017). Member of scientific committees of several conferences, including Innowacje w kulturze na przestrzeni dziejów (Kraków, 2015), Strategiczne cele edukacji – Gdzie jesteśmy? Dokąd zmierzamy? (Warszawa, 2017), Leadership in Theory and Practice (Brno, 2017), and the annual conferences organised by Escola Universitària Formatic Barcelona and Universitat de Girona entitled International Tourism Conference (Barcelona, since 2018 till now).

Auxiliary supervisor of three granted and several ongoing doctorates in the discipline of Culture and Religion Studies.

Since 2019, editor-in-chief of the highly ranked scientific journal “Perspektywy Kultury” (140 points) and, since 2015, theme editor of the sections in this journal related to marketing and management. Reviewer in several highly ranked journals, such as “Zeszyty Naukowe Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego. Prace Historyczne”, “Trimarium”, “Studia Ceranea. Journal of the Waldemar Ceran Research Centre for the History and Culture of the Mediterranean Area and South-East Europe”, “Folia Historica Cracoviensia”, “Horyzonty Wychowania”, “Studia Pedagogica Ignatiana”, “Studia Żydowskie. Almanach”, and in post-conference materials of the International Business Information Management Association (IBIMA). Reviewer for the Institute of Mediterranean and Oriental Cultures of the Polish Academy of Sciences.

Winner of the Scholarship granted by the Minister of Science and Higher Education for Outstanding Young Scientists (2014-2017), of the Award of Rector of Jesuit University Ignatianum (in 2014, 2020, 2022, 2023), of the Award of Dean of the Faculty of Philosophy (2018), and of the Pro Studente Award (2016).

Administrative positions: Director of Scientific Journals Projects (2019-2020), Director of Scientific Journals at Jesuit University Ignatianum (since 2020), Secretary of the Ignatian Social Forum (since 2020), and member of the Board of the Ignatianum Foundation (since 2020).

Research internship at the Faculty of History and Cultural Heritage of the Church of the Pontifical Gregorian University in Rome (2022). Cooperation with the Istituto Italiano di Studi Orientali Department of the University La Sapienza in Rome and the Scientific Centre of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Rome.

The Erasmus teaching and research trips to: the University of Sopron (Hungary), the University of Vilnius, the Escola Universitària Formatic in Barcelona, and the University of St. Joseph in Beirut. Numerous studies and queries at research centres, archives, and libraries in Madrid, Seville, Rome, and Tashkent.

Member of the Society for the Study of the Crusades and the Polish Cultural Studies Society.

Head of the scientific project Podróż jako element kulturotwórczy. Relacje międzykulturowe na przykładzie kroniki z podróży “Embajada a Tamorlan (1403-1406) funded by the National Science Centre (no. 2019/03/X/HS3/00745, years 2019-2022). Manager of fourteen scientific journal development projects funded by the Ministry of Education and Science (since 2019 till now). Member of the Project Board and contractor in projects funded by the Ministry of Education and Science Opracowanie oraz wydanie dwudziestu tomów słowników w ramach serii wydawniczej pt. “Słowniki Społeczne” (no. MEiN/2021/DPI/178, years 2021-2026), Chiny i ich sąsiedzi w dziele “Historia Sinarum” polskiego jezuity Tomasza Szpota Dunina (1644-1713) (no. MEiN NdS/531051/2021/2022, years 2022-2024), Historia dzieje się! (no. MEiN NdS/537149/2021/2022, years 2022-2024); contractor in the projects of the National Programme for the Development of the Humanities Edycja krytyczna pamiętnika Sebastiana Flizaka “Spod Gorców w świat i z powrotem” (no. NPRH/F/SP/0030/2024/13, years 2024-2026) and “Historiae Sinarum Imperii” i “Collectanea Historiae Sinensis” Tomasza Szpota Dunina SJ – polski wkład w badania kultury i dziejów Chin w epoce nowożytnej (no. NPRH/U22/SP/0021/2023/12, years 2024-2026); contractor in the project of the National Centre for Research and Development Zintegrowany program rozwoju uczelni (POWR.03.05.00-00-Z203/18, years 2019-2023). Coordinator of activities for the discipline of cultural studies at Jesuit University Ignatianum within the research project “Humanistyka ma przyszłość” (project implemented under the DIALOG programme of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education, years 2017-2018). Contractor in research projects conducted by the Department of Archaeology and History of the University of Cyprus in Nicosia and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Cyprus and the University of Warsaw.

Active populariser of science: presentations in secondary schools, lectures in Third Age Universities (e.g., in Kraków, Myślenice and Żywiec), presentations in cultural institutions (e.g., the Society of Lovers of History and Monuments of Kraków, Wawel Royal Castle, Museum of Independence in Myślenice), and talks in TV programmes (e.g., Humanistyka ma przyszłość, Z widokiem na Wawel, and Historia dzieje się!). Co-creator of the TV programme Historia dzieje się! implemented within the “Science for Society” programme of the Minister of Education and Science.

Long-standing cooperation with business as a leader, expert, trainer, and consultant. Cooperation with, e.g., Brother, Bernina, and Benefit Systems and public institutions, including government and local administration. Expert in scientific and research projects (e.g., Europäischen Zentrum für Arbeitnehmerfragen) and member of Pricewaterhouse Coopers’ expert teams in projects commissioned by the Chancellery of the Prime Minister (e.g., “Effective supervision standards” and “Barrier-free procedures” projects).